How Do People Show Up on People You May Know

Persuasion, correct? Influence.

When we talk about conversions, we are, most of the fourth dimension, discussing ways we can be more than persuasive, more influential. Nosotros're interested in meeting the needs of customers, fans, and followers and doing so in a way that truly speaks to them.

So how tin you persuade–i.eastward., convert–better?

Perhaps not surprisingly, the hacks for conversion and persuasion begin with psychology. Understanding why someone clicks or why they retweet requires you to look at the way the person is wired, the style we are all wired. To understand persuasion and social media influence, to get at the heart of conversion and likes, it helps to sympathize how your audience thinks and feels. Here'south a primer.

The psychological theories of influence and persuasion

One of my favorite places to learn well-nigh psychological theories is Dave Straker'southward Changing Minds website, which is full of theories written in layman's terms, organized neatly into specific categories and clusters for piece of cake reference. One of those categories is persuasion, and Straker lists that deal with how to influence others.

Related: How To Harness Psychology To Ace Your Functioning Interview

Here is a brief snapshot of each of the 10 theories, many of which might sound familiar to y'all–either because you've employed them in the past or because yous've had others attempt them on you. For more information on any of these, click through the links to see Changing Minds' cited research and examples.

1. Amplification Hypothesis

When you express with certainty a particular attitude, that attitude hardens. The opposite is true as well: Expressing dubiousness softens the attitude.

2. Conversion Theory

The minority in a group can have a disproportionate effect on influencing those in the majority. Typically, those in the bulk who are most susceptible are the ones who may have joined because it was easy to do so or who felt there were no alternatives. Consistent, confident minority voices are most effective.

3. Information Manipulation Theory

This theory involves a persuasive person deliberately breaking one of the four conversational maxims. These are the four:

  • Quantity: Information is complete and full.
  • Quality: Data is true and accurate.
  • Relation: Information is relevant to the conversation.
  • Mode: Data is expressed in an easy-to-empathize style and not-verbal actions support the tone of the statement

4. Priming

You lot can exist influenced by stimuli that affect how yous perceive short-term thoughts and deportment. Here's a actually smart instance from Irresolute Minds:

A stage magician says 'try' and 'cycle' in split up sentences in priming a person to think later on of the word 'tricycle'.

v. Reciprocity Norm

A mutual social norm, reciprocity involves our obligation to render favors done by others.

half dozen. Scarcity Principle

You lot want what is in brusque supply. This want increases as you anticipate the regret you might take if you lot miss out by not interim fast enough.

(Note the "Just for Today" text in the example electronic mail beneath.)

vii. Sleeper Event

Persuasive letters tend to decrease in persuasiveness over fourth dimension, except messages from depression-credibility sources. Letters that start out with depression persuasion gain persuasion every bit our minds slowly disassociate the source from the material (i.e., a presumably sleazy car salesman and his advice on what car is best).

viii. Social Influence

We are influenced strongly past others based on how we perceive our relationship to the influencer. For case, social proof on web copy is persuasive if the testimonials and recommendations are from authoritative sources, big brands, or peers.

9. Yale Attitude Change Approach

This approach, based on multiple years of inquiry past Yale University, constitute a number of factors in persuasive spoken communication, including being a credible, attractive speaker; when information technology'due south of import to beginning or go last; and the ideal demographics to target.

10. Ultimate Terms

Certain words carry more ability than others. This theory breaks persuasive words into three categories:

God terms: those words that carry blessings or need obedience/sacrifice. due east.g, progress, value
Devil terms: those terms that are despised and evoke disgust. due east.g., fascist, pedophile
Charismatic terms: those terms that are intangible, less observable than either God or Devil terms. east.g., liberty, contribution

(We've written before nearly the power of specific words, including the five most persuasive words in the English: Y'all, Considering, Free, Instantly, and New.)

Related:When To Influence People, When To Inform Them, And How To Know The Difference

You might consider these ten theories the building blocks of the persuasive techniques explained below. With this foundation of psychology in place, allow's motion on to some applications of these theories in your social media marketing, website planning, and content creation.

How to write for what we all crave

Nosotros all know how important food, water, shelter, and warmth are to survival. Whatever ideas what'southward next almost important?

The Hierarchy of Needs pyramid, proposed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in the 1940s, shows the advancing scale of how our needs lay out on the path to fulfillment, creativity, and the pursuit of what nosotros dear most. The version of the pyramid y'all see below (shared by the Doorway Projection) shows the five different layers of needs.

The iii steps in betwixt the physiological needs and the fulfillment needs are where marketing most direct applies.

  • Safety
  • Belonging
  • Esteem

In Maslow's pyramid, the descriptions for these needs don't exactly have a marketing perspective to them, so it requires a niggling creativity to meet how you lot can tailor your message to fit these needs. Christine Comaford, an writer and expert on the subject field of persuasion, has found safety, belonging, and esteem to accept incredible value for our everyday work and our creative lives:

Without these three essential keys a person cannot perform, introduce, be emotionally engaged, concur, or motility forward … The more nosotros have of (these three keys) the greater the success of the company, the relationship, the family unit, the team, the private.

Her experience has helped her hone three phrases that are fundamental for influence and persuasion and for creating this sense of condom, belonging, and mattering that nosotros all need. Here they are:

  1. "What if." This phrase removes ego from the give-and-take and creates a prophylactic environment for marvel and brainstorming.
  2. "I need your help." This flips the roles of ascendant and subordinate, engaging the other person and providing a transfer of ability.
  3. "Would it be helpful if." This phrase shifts the focus from the trouble to the solution.
  4. Here's an example from Nick Eubanks of SEO Nick who uses the phrase "I Need Your Help" direct in the subject line of an email. (Come to think of it, each of these three would be fun to endeavour as electronic mail subject field lines.)

How to win friends and influence your audience

When you talk most influencing people, our ears perk up at Buffer. Our company culture and values are based on a book past Dale Carnegie called How to Win Friends and Influence People. The advice from Christine Comaford above has that familiar ring of Carnegie to information technology. Remove your ego. Default to happiness and positivity. Be welcoming to others.

In a lot of means, a discussion on persuasion and influence could begin and finish with Carnegie's book. Hither is just a segment of the volume'southward table of contents, filled with ideas on kindness, generosity, and partnership. (Carnegie would probably dislike that I'm having yous read simply the table of contents–he advised readers to read each chapter of his book multiple times.)

Win people to your mode of thinking

  1. The only way to get the all-time of an argument is to avoid information technology.
  2. Testify respect for the other person's opinions. Never say, "You're incorrect."
  3. If you are wrong, admit information technology rapidly and emphatically.
  4. Begin in a friendly way.
  5. Get the other person saying "yes, yes" immediately.
  6. Allow the other person do a smashing bargain of the talking.
  7. Let the other person experience that the thought is his or hers.
  8. Endeavour honestly to come across things from the other person's point of view.
  9. Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires.
  10. Appeal to the nobler motives.
  11. Dramatize your ideas.
  12. Throw down a challenge.

Isn't that not bad stuff?

We aim to include every bit many Carnegie principles as we can in the way that we communicate in emails, in comments, and of course on social media. Hither are some examples from Twitter of how our Happiness Heroes practice friendliness, sympathy, and seeing things from someone else's perspective.

We're not the but ones who love Carnegie's volume, either. An commodity on Copyblogger by Andrew Schrage and Brian Spero broke down the specific means that you can grow an audience and market your content based on Carnegie'south principles. The full article contains x tips. Here are two of my favorites:

Avoid misleading headlines. A staple of Carnegie's proven methods involves recognizing the importance of others. Likewise often nosotros forget this and treat online audiences as easily manipulated rubes.

Instead of writing clickbait headlines that aim to coerce, it'due south better to do clickable headlines that piece of work for more virtuous reasons. aggregates the top stories from the web and delivers them with headlines that are informative and clever without being manipulative.

The 2d Carnegie tip from Copyblogger goes like this:

Relieve people money. In "How to Win Friends," we learn the importance of talking nigh what people want and showing them how to get it.

In other words, talk nigh benefits instead of features.

Hither is a screengrab from the landing page of, an analytics service for developers. Instead of explaining the features of the product–the APIs and the SDKS–Keen talks about benefits.

While not every bit overt as the analysis on Copyblogger, Minda Zeltin, president of American Society of Journalists and Authors, wrote on well-nigh her own experiences with persuasion and influence, referencing indirectly a lot of the attitudes expressed by Carnegie.

Hither are a few specific examples that Zeltin cites that deal directly with how you lot speak to others:

Michael Hyatt nails these elements of persuasive speech in his communication with email subscribers. In add-on to a few emails I've received apologizing for broken links or other mistakes, Hyatt is also then kind and generous in the way he approaches his conversations. Hither is an electronic mail that includes both a large thank you and some praise.

The persuasion slide: How an influential nudge leads to conversion

Here'southward a fun manner to wait at persuasion: every bit a playground slide.

The idea comes from Roger Dooley of the blog Neuromarketing who uses the variables of a person on a slide to show how different factors affect the outcome of influence. Here's the graphic he created to explicate the idea:

Essentially, here's how it works:

You requite a customer a nudge (a tweet, a weblog post, a phone telephone call, an ad).

Gravity, that client's internal motivations, help move the client down the slide.

Additional motivation that you provide (the angle of the slide) tin serve to enhance the gravity. If a customer has low internal motivation, it volition take a steeper angle to become him or her down the slide.

Friction, seen hither equally the difficulty (existent and perceived) in converting, causes the slide to slow down to varying degrees.

The nudge could be most anything persuasive, for example a couple of psychological theories that we outlined above. Distension could hateful that the customer is further cementing his values and attitudes as he propels downward the slide. Social proof could be a stronger push downward the slide, resulting in a faster conversion.

Robert Cialdini'due south 6 principles of persuasion

Shane Parrish of Farnam Street reads a lot of books–up to 14 each month–and then it ways something when he picks Robert Cialdini's Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion equally one of the nigh important books he's read. In the book, Cialdini outlines six principles of persuasion, most of which will likely sound a scrap familiar based on our previous word on psychology.

Do any of those audio familiar? Put another way, Cialdini's list could wait similar this:

  • Reciprocation, i.e. Reciprocity Norm
  • Consistency, i.east. Amplification Hypothesis
  • Social proof, i.e. Social Influence
  • Liking, i.e. Social Influence (again)
  • Authority, i.e. Yale Attitude Change Approach
  • Scarcity, i.e. Scarcity Principle

One of the common threads from Cialdini's listing is that of social. The principles of liking, authority, and social proof all deal with relationships with others: We are persuaded past those we like, by those whom we deem to be authorisation figures, and by the general population. Here are a few unique applications of these, every bit told by Cialdini and Parrish:


One way people exploit this is to notice means to make themselves similar you. Do you like golf game? Me likewise. Do yous like football? Me too. Although often these are 18-carat, sometimes they're not.

Liking is similar enough to consistency that it bears pointing out the deviation hither. Someone might say, "Practice yous like having more than visitors to your weblog?" They aren't necessarily looking for a connexion with y'all (as in Liking) simply rather they're seeking Consistency. Of form you'll say yes, and in theory, y'all'll take a harder time backing off that statement when you lot are pitched a product or service later.


Something as elementary as informing your audience of your credentials earlier yous speak, for example, increases the odds you lot will persuade the audition.

Noah Kagan does this for the each guest post he publishes at OK Dork. He writes a quick intro on how he made the connection with the invitee writer and all the amazing credentials the invitee writer has.

Social proof

People will more probable say yes when they see other people doing it too. Social poof is not all bad. It's one of the main ways we acquire in life.

Basecamp has a great example of social proof on their website, showing the wide variety of respected clients that apply the product—and doing so in a fun, outgoing way.

Two others that are worth pointing out are consistency and scarcity.

Personally, consistency is the i I notice myself most susceptible to, and I place a lot with how Parrish describes the effect: "If you ask people to state their priorities and goals and and then align your proposals with that in listen, you make it harder for people to say no." really striking dwelling for me. Parrish connects this to the Ikea effect, the way yous love your IKEA furniture considering y'all're invested in it from building information technology yourself.

As for scarcity, Visual Website Optimizer wrote an extensive mail on all the different ways you tin can use scarcity to increase due east-commerce sales. Have you noticed that Amazon tells people in that location are merely a certain number of products left? That's scarcity at play.

Hooks: Psychology in activity in your re-create and on your site

Throughout this post, I've tried to highlight some good examples of the psychology of persuasion equally it exists on the web. It'southward great to know the theories; it'due south also helpful to see the techniques and applications. Bushra Azhar, a persuasion strategist and founder of The Persuasion Revolution, wrote down several of her techniques that she has used to great effect in creating persuasive copy. Here is a sampling of the ways she'due south used to invoke positive emotions in website visitors.

Disrupt then reframe

You can disrupt routine thought processes by mixing around the words and visuals that a user is used to seeing then reframing your pitch while they're still figuring out the disruption. Researchers tested this technique by pitching a product as costing $3.00 versus 300 pennies; the penny pitch was the clear winner.

A unique implementation of this is on TeuxDeux'due south pricing page. Instead of standard names for their pricing tiers, TeuxDeux went with a disruption technique with the copy and and then reframed the pitch with the pricing info beneath.

The key to good storytelling

We mentioned in a higher place the theory well-nigh ultimate words, and we've written recently nearly the power of storytelling in your content. Azhar points out that a step beyond storytelling is making sure that you lot are telling the right story. She references the book Made to Stick, which talks well-nigh the iii stickiest and virtually memorable story plots.

1. The Challenge Plot: A story of the underdog, rags to riches or sheer willpower triumphing over adversity

2. The Connection Plot: A story virtually people who develop a human relationship that bridges a gap, whether racial, class, indigenous, religious, demographic or otherwise; think of the motion picture The Bullheaded Side

3. The Inventiveness Plot: A story that involves someone making a mental breakthrough, solving a long-standing puzzle or attacking a problem in an innovative style

The Groove HQ blog regularly starts weblog posts with a storytelling chemical element, often using variations on The Creativity Plot to hook readers and give that nudge downward the persuasion slide.

Opportunities for persuasion

By now, I'thousand sure y'all can encounter just how much psychology is involved in the fine art of persuasion. By extension, yous tin besides run into psychology in the social media messages and marketing tactics of some influential brands.

When it comes to applying the principles of persuasive psychology, here are a few places you can start:

  • Your calls-to-activeness
  • Your headlines
  • Your tweets and updates
  • Your emails
  • Your product descriptions

Almost anywhere that you have words or visuals–anywhere that you create or manage content–y'all can turn into an opportunity for persuasion.

What places on your website and in your social media marketing accept you used psychological persuasion? Which of these theories exercise y'all recognize, either in your own marketing or in the marketing of others? I'd love to take this chat farther in the comments.

This article originally appeared in Buffer and is reprinted with permission.


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